“Music can heal the wounds that medicine cannot touch”
When I looked for a quote about music and therapy, I was bombarded with many aspiring quotes. This tells me exactly what I'm going to write about, music is therapy.
Therapy; a big scary word for some. I am not afraid to say, I have many forms of therapy. A therapist, family doctor, self-care, social time and music. Therapy is needed for everyone, in my personal opinion. You will not hurt from working on yourself.
For myself, therapy was needed after I left my abusive husband. I was, and still am, working very hard on myself. Working through some triggers, and “why me?” This has been the most difficult time of my life, by far. I am being tested beyond belief, in so many ways. My forms of therapy have saved me daily.
I am a very social person, and I benefit greatly from having people around me. Sadly, that is not always possible. Especially on weekends I would find myself alone, left to think and work through everything. When I was alone, this is where music would come in. Music is therapy.
Everyone's likes in music will differ; some people like hip-hop, country, pop, the list goes on and on. Personally, I would say I’m mostly into 90's Alternative; you know Our Lady Peace, Matchbox 20 etc. The thing about me, I find specific bands that I can relate to, that hits me in some way that no other musician can. I have two artists that are very special to me; Hanson (no shocker there) and who this blog is thanking, Andrew McMahon.
Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness, Jacks Mannequin and the band that introduced me to him, Something Corporate. These are all musical endeavors that Andrew has taken, all with a slightly different sound but the same feeling. He is a lyrical genius, without a doubt his lyrics have spoken to me on so many levels.

Your father was a criminal, he stole your mothers smile -Andrew McMahon
I talk about “that feeling” a lot here, the feeling his music gives me. What feeling? Although, difficult to explain, I will try.
I feel a crazy amount of safety when I listen to him. I feel an insane amount of calm, I can be in an anxiety attack and once his music comes on, I am able to calm my breathing. His music makes me feel love. Andrew is very in love with his wife and daughter, hearing that love gives me hope. He gives me hope that there are guys out there that will love you, and not hurt you. Now, the feeling of not being alone. Andrew is very open about his mental health struggles, he has songs about these struggles. Validation that you are not alone, is the biggest form of therapy for myself. “It's like I'm living in a submarine and I'm in too deep” Even that one lyric from one of his newest songs, I know he has felt like that at one time. Everyone feels this way, but it's not always talked about. This man speaks honestly, which I admire and can relate to.
Ill keep you safe, Ill keep you dry. Don't be afraid Cecilia, I'm the satellite and your the sky. -Andrew McMahon
Hard days suck, those are the days where you question everything. You go from a Domestic Abuse survivor, to a Domestic abuse victim. I hate these days. These days are filled with a lot of tears, lack of eating and the haunting question of “what did I do to deserve this?” Not my finest days. On my hard days, I will say to myself “I need my Andrew ”So, I head into my room, I will put on my Andrew McMahon sweater, have a few tears, and go put on one of his concerts. In those moments, I’m able to take everything off my mind and just be in the moment. I may still cry, especially if an emotional song comes on. As my therapist says, your body tells you what it needs, even if that’s a good cry.
I know it sounds insane, but I feel I can always count on Andrew McMahon. When I’m feeling down, he’s there. In the form of that sweater (always clean for this reason) and in the form of his music. Knowing that I can always count on his music, is the biggest safety I could ask for. I am forever grateful for him and his music.
In time I am getting a tattoo based off one of his songs. “Me and the moon” I know exactly what I want and where. This song speaks volumes to me. In my life, this song is me. A girl who has given up, someone who is just there to please others. “You marry a role and you give up your soul till you break down”, “I am a butterfly, but you wouldn’t let me die” Just two of the very meaningful lyrics in that song.
Andrew is unlike other musicians, as he actually shares and replies to you on social media. I have been in contact with him a few times, and he has been nothing but respectful and kind. This only adds to my feeling of always counting on him, he is a good, respectful guy. I can appreciate that more than ever now.
“Music always helps, no matter what you are going through”
In May, I am going to an Andrew McMahon concert. I have asked my best friend to attend with me, and she has accepted with delight! I need her there. Having my best friend at this concert with me, it’s going to be amazing.
The day I see him and meet him will be a big moment for me. Along with the concert, I bought VIP tickets to meet him. As a single mom, this isn’t 100% in the budget, but when I say this is therapy, I mean it. And in my opinion, therapy is worth every single penny. During this meetup, I am going to express how thankful I am for his music. I know I will get emotional, but this moment is going to be a very big moment for me. Huge. I am beyond grateful to get a chance to go to his concert. I just hope I don’t scare him with my emotions!
Forgiveness isn't given if you don't feel some regret -Andrew McMahon
Andrew, if you read this please know, your music is everything to me. You create music that feels good for you, and in return it feels good for your fans. This is the beautiful thing about music. Thinking about you writing these meaningful songs, where were you when you created Submarine? I have no idea, you do. What mind set were you in, what happened? I have no idea, but you do. Where was I when I first heard Submarine? I know, but you have no idea. How did I feel when I first heard it? I know, but you have no idea. That is what is so beautiful. You created something in your world, and it has entered my world. That song was therapeutic for you in your life, and therapeutic for me in my life. The thought of this is incredible to me. Wherever you were, whatever made you write these songs; I am forever grateful for. I thank you, Andrew McMahon, for giving me a way to feel the emotions I can’t put into words. Thank you for being exactly what I need during this difficult time. Thank you.
Music will never leave me, I will always have this beautiful form of art in my life.

The wisdom's in the living, not the years -Andrew McMahon
