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Olivia Wendy

This is my journey through pregnancy, delivery and meeting our precious girl, Olivia.

Thanksgiving has always been my favourite holiday, yes even more than Christmas. I just love the crisp air, the family gathering around with the smell of pumpkin pie and the beautiful colours that surround us all. I especially love my mothers baking, because she is the best baker I know. She makes her famous carrot cake every Thanksgiving, Justin and I always ensure to gobble it all up.

Thanksgiving 2017, I could not eat any of these delicious goodies..even the carrot cake. My sister was the first to say, "You're pregnant!" I also suspected this, but had not yet taken a test. I was feeling so junky, and that was the only thing that made sense.

I took a test the next morning. Sure enough, it was positive. I was so excited, but also felt so sick I couldn't jump for joy like I did with my first pregnancy. I believe I did a video chat with my family while I was waiting for the results, but we all already knew. Everyone was so excited!

We were going to see Justin's family to celebrate Thanksgiving, so I got myself out of bed and we were off to their house.

We asked Justin's mom to take a picture of Justin, Isabelle and myself. Once the photo was taken, we asked if she got all four of us in it. She was pretty confused, but his dad got it right away. After a little, she understood what we were saying and everyone was so excited.

It seemed so fitting to find out on my favourite holiday, so we ended up calling baby Turkey.

I had a very normal pregnancy with her, my heart issue did not return Yipee!! I was able to see my family doctor, who is nice and close to home.

Again, we decided to not find out the gender. Although I was certain baby was a boy. My pregnancy was so different with second baby than baby number one. I felt all day, screw morning, sickness all the time. I never once felt sick with my first. I was convinced baby was a boy. Justin and I really didn't care as long as he or she was healthy.

Since my first pregnancy was a c-section, we decided to do the same thing for this pregnancy. It was scheduled, which made finding care for our oldest much easier. She was to stay at her Grandma and Papa's house, which is 5 minutes from the hospital.

I was told to go into the hospital in the morning, unless I hear otherwise. We woke up nice and early, eager to meet our newest family member.

Off to the hospital we went. They got me into a nice room, and hooked up to IV to get some fluids started. The anesthesiologist came in to go over some questions. He looked at my IV fluid bag and asked if it was my second one. It was not, it was still the first. He said the nurse forgot to open up the line to allow the fluid into my body. This meant all the medications could make me feel sick. They started the fluids, putting them into my IV faster than usual.

We got into the Operating room, and had a lovely team with us. This c-section took a little longer, because they had scar tissue from my previous c-section to cut through.

After awhile, we hear "Daddy, do you want to announce? If so, look now" Justin looked over the curtain and well, baby was half out. Side note: Justin does not do well with blood. Once baby was completely pulled out of my stomach, Justin announced "It's a girl!" I was shocked, I really thought baby was a boy. Justin was also in shock, but not from the gender, more from the site he just saw. He had to sit back down, instead of going to see our new baby girl. He was feeling a little light headed. The nurse cleaned her up, and got her all wrapped up. They handed baby girl to Justin, and he immediately said she looks like an Olivia. So, that's exactly what we named her.

Olivia Wendy. Wendy after both of our mothers, what are the odds both our moms are named Wendy? Pretty lucky for baby naming purposes.

Once she was named, I started to feel really junky. I let the doctor know I was feeling very sick to my stomach. They gave me some gravol and all was good.

We had Olivia at a smaller hospital, which meant I had to go to a recovery room after my c-section. Justin got to take Olivia back to our room, and I had to go into recovery by myself. This was torture.

I was able to return to my new baby as soon as I could move my toes. I never worked so hard to accomplish something in my life. I was so concentrated on my toes, and as soon as I could move them I screamed with excitement! My nurse came over, and had to see for herself. I felt as though I had just found a cure for a disease, I was so proud.

As soon as she clarified this exciting accomplishment, I was off to see my baby girl and actually hold her for the first time!

When I got to our room, Justin and Olivia were all cuddled up together, doing skin to skin. My best friends sister works in the hospital, and she was first to meet Olivia. Justin has actually always joked that she was peeking through the operation room windows the entire time. She basically should have just been in there holding my other hand.

Justin's parents were there to meet the new baby. I called my parents to come over, and bring Isabelle to meet her new baby. They still didn't know the gender at that point. Everyone showed up, with three extra surprise loved ones. My sister, and her two children traveled 2 hours to come meet the new baby. I had no idea! My best friend lives close by, so she came by to meet Olivia too. I was so excited to have so many loved one with me, but my excitement was taken over by this, very sneaky, onset of nausea. From the earlier incident with the IV bag, I was starting to feel very sick. I asked the nurse for something to have, just in case. I am glad I did. Welcome new baby, and family and friends. I'll just be over here on the bed, half naked, throwing up. Oh the glamour. This is real life motherhood. After a few moments of sickness, I was feeling better. I was able to visit and enjoy the company of everyone.

Soon after, everyone cleared out. Justin took Isabelle home, Olivia and I stayed in the hospital. This time was so precious to me. I got time to recover, and spend one on one time with my new daughter. At first I was worried how I would do without Justin there, as he was with me the entire time with Isabelle. Now, we have another responsibility and so much was changing for her, we really wanted her to be in the comfort of her own bed. Honestly, I really enjoyed my alone time with her. We bonded so much. I also had wonderful nurses, and my parents were 5 minutes away.

We took our beautiful new daughter home to a house full of family, which I loved.

Olivia was the easiest baby. If all babies were like her, I would have had enough to start my own family band. Now, she was an easy baby...that was it. Once she started moving, the easy part of Olivia was gone. She is so busy and into everything. I never had to baby proof our house with Isabelle, but Olivia it was an entire new story. I had to baby proof the baby proofing.

Fast forward to today, we have a 2.5 year old beautiful girl. Olivia is very funny, crazy, daring, weird (and I personally think weird is a good thing, so I am not insulting my own child), and loud girl. She loves Frozen, mostly Anna. Popsicle's are her favourite food. She has no fear, unless it is loud noises. She is our little firecracker, and we wouldn't have it any other way. For a little girl, she is full of personality.

Olivia completes our family in the best way possible.

I love you Livy




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