September 2019, a big and scary time for a family...the very first day of school. So many emotions came through my body at this time. I was just holding her in my arms, safe from the world. Now I am sending her off to a place I can't be. Will she be safe? Will everyone be nice to her? Will she be able to open her lunch herself? Will she be able to communicate her needs? Will she be scared? So many unknowns.
As a stay at home mom, Isabelle has been with me everyday for almost 4 years. The thought of her not being with me all day was nerve racking, I was having a very difficult time leading up to school. I was talking to Isabelle, and trying to do everything I could to get her ready for the big day, but nothing could prepare me for this day.
I remember waiting for the phone call from her teacher, hoping the teacher would be a nice, caring teacher. I received that phone call, and so far, I was impressed. I had to clarify how to say her teachers name a couple times, so I could help Isabelle say her name properly, I do believe she called her Mrs. Teacher for the first bit. For this blog, I will call her Mrs. S.
The call came in, I knew her teacher and now it was time to get everything together. I went out and bought all the fancy lunch bags, full of sparkles, and got a variety of fancy lunch containers. Note to any parents: you do not need all the fancy containers. A thermos, a water bottle and a small container are just perfect. We practiced with these containers for about a week before school, just to get her use to doing everything herself. This made me feel more at ease.
Isabelle picked out her first day outfit, which was a Peppa Pig shirt with black capri leggings (a very typical Isabelle outfit)
It was now the big day. I believe I got about 4 hours of sleep the night before, stewing about how she will do and what may happen during her day. Isabelle was so excited, so that was helping to calm my nerves!
Justin took the morning off work to bring Isabelle to her very first day, which I really appreciated.
We got ready, packed her school bag with everything I thought she may need. We were asked to pack 2 of every clothing item. I packed 3 of each. Not because I am an overachiever, but because I wanted to make sure she had everything she would possible need. Even to this day, I pack an extra sweater in her bag just in case.
I took her picture with her first day of school board ( I do recommend getting on that train, what a great keepsake) We started our walk to the school. Isabelle was skipping, and I was trying to hold back my tears.
We got to the school and we were greeted by a very friendly, happy face. Her very first teacher, Mrs. S. Wow, what a feeling. Do you remember your first teacher? I do, even the way she smelt. Now we are meeting Isabelle's first teacher, who she will also remember forever. We gave hugs and kisses, then sent her off for her very first day without her mommy.
Isabelle went in with her teacher, waving while wearing a big smile. But don't you need your mommy? I don't know what is worse, if she would have been crying or the fact she just went with no worries at all. I was waving, with many tears in my eyes. Walking back home, I was bawling. Good thing Justin was there to tell me I am being a little ridiculous.
We got back home, and I tried to keep myself busy. Playing with Olivia, doing housework, anything I could do.
It was time to go pick her up, yay! I couldn't wait to hear all about her day, and to just hug her! Olivia and I walked to get her, and she greeted us with a big smile. The entire way home, she talked about her day. I was so proud, and excited to hear all about it.
She told me how she met a new friend, her very first friend she made on her own. They ended up becoming great friends. Let me tell you, I am so proud of the little girl she picked as her first friend. Unfortunately, this friend is a year older than Isabelle so they only had that one year together. I loved her having such a great friend in her class, it made Isabelle more comfortable and excited about going to school.
She told me how nice her teachers are, she has a teacher, Mrs.S and a ECE, Mrs. C, in her classroom. She told me Mrs. S is a lot like me, she is nice, pretty (make me blush Izzy) and fun. Isabelle LOVED Mrs. S so much, it was such a relief for me. I also loved her teacher, I honestly could not have picked a better first teacher for Isabelle to have.
I have said this in previous blogs, but I love dropping and picking up at the school. Talking to the other parents is a huge bonus in my day, also talking to her teachers. Everyday after school, Mrs. S would stand outside with the walkers. She would tell me about Isabelle's day, and I just felt so connected even though I wasn't with her throughout the day. I really appreciated this communication.
Isabelle would also point out all the other students, and teachers. I remember when she first talked about her music teacher, Mr. S. At that time, she was really into The Jonas Brothers, she told me she thinks he is one of them. He wears big boots, has long hair and plays the guitar. It doesn't take much to be a Jonas brother in her eyes.
She would tell me so much about the people she would see in a day. I really love meeting people through her eyes, it is pretty neat.
It was super hard not being with Isabelle all day, so I decided to join school council. This way, I could be involved in the school and also have a say on what goes on within the school. I love this. We have monthly meetings, now done via zoom, where we plan fundraisers, where the money raised will go. We plan fun activities for the children, we help solve problems within the school.
We would volunteer for a variety of categories, I did the snack program. I loved volunteering for the snack program in the mornings, this is not happening now due to Covid. I would be with some of the other moms, and we get all the snack bins ready for the classrooms. This gets me familiar with the other teachers, and students within the school. I love it. I can't wait to be back in the school!
March break happened, and everyone knows what comes next...Covid. Now, we are doing remote learning. This was not how I imagined her first year of Junior Kindergarten going, but here we were. Her teachers did the best that they could with this new way of learning, it was a work in progress. We did some video chats, and work was sent over google classroom. We worked hard to complete these, but it was a challenge. It ended up causing way too much stress for her and I, we decided to do our own learning. It worked out well for us.
It was now first day of Senior Kindergarten, still during Covid. We were able to go for in class learning now, which was a bonus. She had her same teachers, Mrs. S and Mrs. C, which was perfect because she really liked them.
Families were given the option to do in class or remote learning, we went back and forth but decided on in class. There were many families that picked remote, which meant the classrooms were smaller. The government decided to combine classrooms, which meant a big hit for Isabelle. She was getting a new teacher. She would keep the ECE, but the teacher she, and I, loved so dearly was being switched to a different grade. This sucks. Isabelle was so upset. I was so upset. Her teacher was so upset. Right now, with everything going on in the world, we have to be able to make adjustments, and make them fast. This was just another adjustment that was needing to be made.
She had her first day with her new teacher, Mrs. A, and right away came home and said she has a lot of rules and she misses Mrs. S. I felt so bad for her, because I can understand. An amazing relationship was made with her first teacher, and just like that it was taken away from her. She had to make an adjustment to having a new teacher, with more rules. Now today, she really enjoys Mrs. A and has developed a relationship with her. She does still want Mrs. S as her teacher, but I think it is more of a comfort for her as her first teacher and I are pretty similar. Mrs. S will still always be her very first teacher, and we will always have amazing memories thanks to her.
Everything was a big adjustment, because of Covid. The teachers and children have to wear their masks all day. The teachers have to stand back from families, which means that the communication is not as strong as it was when we could chat every day at pick up. Sanitize, sanitize... and sanitize some more. The smell of sanitizer on Isabelle when she comes home is drowning. The school has made a lot of changes to make the environment as safe as possible, I have been very impressed with the adjustments they have made in all this crazy stupid bug world we are currently living.
Now, some of my fears have come up. Isabelle has been coming home saying that the kids are being mean to her. You could just imagine the feeling that came over me. The thought of someone being mean to Isabelle makes me sick, and this is what was happening. I don't know to what extent, and I don't know if Isabelle is making it seem a little worse than it is. I only say this because she is very sensitive like her mommy. Regardless, I hate the thought beyond words could ever explain. I contacted her teacher to discuss this, because well it just bothered me to no end. The issue was talked about, and since that talk Isabelle says no one is mean to her anymore. I hope issues like that are always that easy.
I know I will eventually have to let Isabelle deal with issues on her own, but that can wait until shes 30. Just kidding...kind of.
I recently had a very difficult talk with Mrs. A. Her teacher has some concerns with Isabelle and the way she is learning. She was very respectful and knowledgeable when we talked. I imagine talking to a parent about concerns you have for their child is difficult, I wouldn't want to do it. With her teachers guidance, I have made an appointment with a Developmental Pediatrician where they will do an assessment on Isabelle to see if she needs some extra help within the classroom. I am very thankful for her teacher bringing this up to me, I want to give Isabelle as much help as she needs. I am looking forward to what comes from this assessment and learning new ways to help Isabelle academically. It really does take a village to raise a child, and I have some pretty amazing villagers helping Isabelle out.
My baby girl is growing up, and I am so very proud of her. I know we are told to hold on and protect our young, and I always will. I will also allow her to be her own person, and find her place in the world. Isabelle you make mommy so proud, I love you beyond the moon.
Stay in school, and stay your true self.
