A best friend is the person who helps carry every insecurity you may have, because they just love being with you, for you. They don’t want anything in return, because you help carry them just the same .
They’re the person who doesn’t just have your back but holds your back up, they are your biggest cheer leader when you can’t cheer, and they make life OK even when it doesn’t feel like it’s going to be.
They just accept you for you. That’s a best friend.
-Cat and Nat
When you read that, do you think of a specific person in your life that fits that role? I pray you can say yes, because from personal experience this is an amazing feeling.
Throughout our lives, we form a variety of relationships. Some relationships more deep than others. Sometimes they are completely unexpected, but end up being just what you need.
That is exactly what happened for me. I formed a relationship that was unexpected but just what I needed.
As a stay at home mom, I get the positive duty in dropping off and picking up my oldest at school. Why is this positive you ask? Well, I get to talk to her teacher face to face if either of us need to, it gets us outside walking, Isabelle usually runs up with a huge hug at the end of the day, and I get to talk to other parents! Okay, the cute music teachers are a slight positive too... During this time of drop offs and pick ups, I met another stay at home mom. Her oldest son was in Isabelle's class. Day after day, we would talk. We mentioned how we were both going to attend a school council meeting, without knowing anyone else we sat with each other at that meeting. After that we decided to do a play date, her three boys and my two girls. That was how my relationship started with someone very special.
For some reason, I always thought you would develop your best relationships in your younger days. The goal is to have a childhood friend that has been through everything in life with you. Isn't that the ultimate goal? That's what I thought at least, but I was wrong.
Are you familiar with Cat and Nat? They are best friends, from Toronto that are known for telling Mom Truths while in their car. They are funny, tell the extreme truths of motherhood, and have a friendship a lot of women dream of having.
I am lucky enough to say I found the Cat to my Nat.
Cat, I mean Amy, is my person. She is someone who is so very opposite of me, in so many ways. "Let's bring our favourite chips to our weekend trip away" She brings her favourite, sour cream & onion which happens to be my least favourite. I bring ketchup, my favourite, wouldn't you know those are her least favourite. When I say we are opposite, we are opposite. Although we are very different, it's the right amount of different. We can agree on big things, and also respect each other for our differences. Amy is very outgoing, willing to try anything, only afraid of horses and wind chimes (I know, weird) She is a go with the flow type of person, which I admire the most about her. If something doesn't go as planned, that's fine she will adjust to make it work.
Amy and I talk often about how we are so different, I thought I'd list some of our differences.
Amy | Sam |
Sour cream and onion chips | Ketchup Chips |
Fearless | Fearful |
Heart of Steel | Hallmark Heart |
Bold | Timid |
Jason Momoa | Ryan Gosling |
Star Wars | Light Savers? |
Never Heard of a Jilly Box | Spends $220 on a Jilly Box |
Loves to read | Loves Drama TV |
Home Schooled | Attended Public School |
Eats Anything | Sushi is too Exotic |
Has Never Attended a Concert | Lived at Concerts |
Loves Birkenstocks | Over My Dead Body |
Thrift Shopper | Expensive Shopper |
More of a visual learner? Here are our purses; very representative of each of us
Amy's purse Sam's purse
Another thing I admire about her, is her honesty. She is so honest. When I asked her "Do you think I can wear this killer sweatshirt to school drop off and pick up?" She immediately responded "No, you are going to terrify the kids." No kid has run away screaming from me yet (the sweater is so damn comfy)
There is this bond, something I can't even explain, it's just a closeness we've had from the start. I remember meeting one of her 195693405479 in laws, we were hanging out having some drinks. We were talking about our backgrounds, and I said how I am half Newfie, Amy responds "I had no idea, that's so cool!" Her brother-in-law questioned if we even knew each other at that point, honestly we were (and still are) learning so much about each other. That was the beauty, we knew nothing of each others pasts. Our friendship started about 3 years ago, that's it but somehow I feel I have known her my entire life. This went against everything I have ever thought a good friendship was. We didn't know each other for huge milestones in our lives, yet that doesn't change the connection we have.
Do our husbands get a say? Not at all. They have to deal with us, how much we are together, how much we talk, the fact that we know so much about your life. Sorry husbands, but we know it ALL. The good, the bad, the ugly, the hot; Oh do we ever talk about the hot stuff. Our two families function as one a lot of the time, especially during online learning. At this point, we just have full access to each other and their belongings.
This relationship has changed my life in ways I never thought possible. Amy helped me find my backbone, she helped me come out of my shell, she makes me feel like I am loved no matter what. Her friendship has made me feel worthy again. I lost myself since becoming a mom, and she helped me find myself again. She reminds me that I am important, and we shouldn't feel guilty to take some time for ourselves. We do monthly wine nights, because we freaking deserve it. We are raising some very strong willed children, and it is okay to take time away from them. These wine nights refuel me, we need that time to just be ourselves. When I said this relationship is exactly what I needed, it truly is. I am a more confident, loving and a more understanding person because of this friendship.
There is such a beauty in having someone you never have to explain yourself to. We just get each other, somehow even with all our differences. Having someone who pushes you to be better, but knows when to let you be weak is a blessing. I pray everyone can experience this.
Take away from this, you never know when or how you will develop a relationship that changes you for the better. Let others in, you never know what you might find.
Thank you for being exactly what I need in my life, Amy.
I love you, SaAmy
