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Been Mmmboping since '97

**This is Hanson from my perspective**

Hanson. My favourite band ever, Hanson.

The Mmmbop guys you are asking yourself? Yes, the damn Mmmbop guys. To you they are the three guys, who were mistaken as girls, who sang that hit song that everyone knows. To me, they are SO much more than that.

In 1997, the hit song Mmmbop was released. A song everyone would sing along to, everyone who grew up in that time knows that song. I remember hearing it. I was watching Much Music and the video for Mmmbop came on. I was instantly hooked. My older sister, Mel, thought I was crazy for how much I liked them. She would poke fun at me for liking them so much.

When their album came out, I got it right away. I fell even more in love with them. I can't even explain it. It was a feeling that came over me, like nothing I had ever felt before. Since I was so young, I think I was feeling what love was. Love from outside my family that is.

About a month or so later, I looked everywhere for that Hanson CD. I could not find it anywhere! I may have had a little panic attack. (this was before the ease of accessing songs) I went to my sisters room, and I hear something very familiar. Isn't she listening to my CD! She stole my CD, after making fun of me for it. She was transformed into a Hanson fan (a Fanson) in that moment.

Do you want to know more about them besides Mmmbop? Okay, here we go.

Hanson consists of three extremely talented brothers. In order from oldest to youngest; Isaac, Taylor and Zac. These are three brothers, from a big family, who have a love for music and create beautiful and meaningful music. They are pretty different from each other, which is pretty neat to see how they can come together like they do.

Isaac is the oldest, and honestly I think my favourite! This is why my 10 year old cat is also named Isaac. Isaac is a very well dressed (Isaac Hanson, not my cat Isaac) very sophisticated, guitar playing, and his voice..don't even get my started on his voice. His voice is so full of soul, some of my favourite Hanson songs are the ones he sings lead in. "At Christmas" is one of my all time favourite songs, the lyrics and the feeling that is brought to that song is enough to make me cry almost every time I hear it. We were there for their very first Christmas show in Toronto, I couldn't stop the tears. That is an Isaac lead song. I also walked down the aisle to "For your love" which is another Isaac lead song.

Taylor has a voice that is honestly just so comforting. Taylor is a very artistic person, with music and photography. He is also the one who likes to keep things on track, he likes to keep things very professional and positive. Tay plays the piano, tambourine, and harmonica, he also sings lead I'd guess about 80% of their songs. In concert, he will also play a couple songs on drums while Zac goes to the piano. Taylor has created "Food on the move" a Tulsa based volunteer organization that acts to end food insecurity in the community. He has so much pride in this, as he should! Taylor is my sisters favourite!

Zac, oh Zac. He is the wild, crazy, fun one. He is the one that Taylor needs to keep on track while playing live. He likes to get into talking, and goofing around. He brings so much joy to everything! You can probably guess what he plays, drums! He also sings lead in some songs, while playing drums. He also plays piano live. Zac likes to dress more casual, usually jeans and a t-shirt. The songs Zac sings, they hit you. He has a way with his voice to just get your emotions going. Just go listen to "Broken Angel" seriously, do it now. You will most likely be hit with emotions so hard. My daughter loves Zac, he thinks he is so funny!

Individually, these three brothers are amazing. Together, they are outstanding. They come together and make the most beautiful music.

Now that you know them a little better, you may be asking why I love them so much.

Honestly, I don't have an answer other than the feeling I get from their music. They have been with me since '97, its now 2021. 24 years I have followed these three brothers. 24 years! Every album, every concert (in Toronto). They have helped me through so much in my life. I have grown up with their music, I have watched them grow through their own music.

I'll try my best to explain that feeling I get, but it's hard to put words to it.

"If only" is one of my favourite Hanson songs, ever. There is something about the start with the harmonica, it just gives me a feeling of joy, and calm, and home. I know that sounds silly, but their music makes me feel so comforted, like I am at home. It doesn't matter where I am, I listen to their music and I'm instantly comfortable. As I am writing this, I am listening to them. The current song on is "Save me", which is about what the title says. I feel like Hanson has saved me so many times throughout my life. It might have been a break up, a family death, my own heart illness, the days I just felt alone. They save me every single time I need them, always have and always will. They give me a feeling so intense, I have never felt this way from any other music. It's a feeling so deep that I can never truly explain or recreate it.

I know I may sound a little crazy, they are three brothers who have no idea who I am. They make music, that's all. It is so much more than that. They don't need to know who I am, that doesn't change the way their music makes me feel. They put music out to touch people, and I am so lucky to have that.

I got a tattoo of the Hanson logo on my forearm. When people ask what it is, I tell them. I always get the same reaction, "Why would you do a tattoo of a band? You may not even like them in a few years." First, let's start off with saying I could never not love Hanson. It's just in my blood at this point. I also got a tattoo of a band because they mean so much to me. Their music is everything to me. I am proud to be a Hanson fan for 24 years. Remember how I said they always make me feel like i'm home? Well, anytime I am feeling down or alone, I look at my tattoo. One arm has my girls names, Isabelle and Olivia, the other one has my boys, Hanson. I love it and the tattoo means the world to me.

Now why would I advertise being a Hanson fan, when we get made fun of so much? Because I love it. When people find out Hanson is still making music, they are shocked. Check out their new music, they are SO much more than Mmmbop. Yes, that song got them recognized, but my goodness they are so much more than that song. So if you are an interviewer reading this, please don't focus so much on that song. It happens in every single interview, they have grown so much from that song. Talk about the growth of them, because I know myself from the past 24 years they continue to grow and release amazing music.

Hanson has also always been something that has brought my sister and I closer. Mel and I both love Hanson, sooo much. We always go to their concerts together, which I cherish. We usually meet before the concert for dinner, then go and enjoy their music together. Hanson has always brought us closer, and has given us some pretty amazing memories.

It's so crazy to think that three guys, who I have met a handful of times, mean so much me. I consider myself so lucky to have found music that brings me the feeling theirs does.

I will always be a Hanson fan.

Isaac, Taylor and Zac, I have so much love for you guys and the music you create.


Me, Zac Hanson, Mel

Hanson in London, Ontario

Zac, Mel, Me and Isaac at Much Music

Mel and I before Hanson concert.

Zac, Taylor and Isaac Hanson


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