Although it sounds really cool, my name is not Sammy Seasons. I am known as Sammy to people close to me, but Seasons is not on my birth certificate.
I picked that because life is like seasons, it is constantly changing. Like the fall when everything is dying and becoming bare, spring is where everything is growing again and showing its beauty. [Don't get me wrong by this comparison, fall is my favourite season]
Life is the same. We have moments where everything is falling apart, daily life is a struggle. We also have moments that lighten our spirits. Make us feel like we are doing something right in this world.
Seasons and life are very similar, and my blog is meant to be real and raw. I will share the good and the bad, the difficult things to talk about.
I'm not even sure that anyone will actually read my blog, and that is okay. For me, this is therapeutic and if it reaches others that's great.
Who knows what will happen with this blog.
Will I ever write in it again? Will I write daily?
That is the best part of life, the unknowns.
Follow me into the unknown
...we've been watching Frozen non-stop in this house, thanks Olivia....but it is pretty fitting
