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I deleted Facebook for an entire year

I wrote the date the other day, and in that moment I realized I have been off of Facebook for a year. An entire year. Why did I get off of it? Do I regret getting off Facebook? Do I plan on getting back on it? Would you benefit from deleting Facebook, or other social media platforms? Keep on reading, find out about my experience.

For many, Facebook is a way to keep connected. You share a photo and it is instantly available for all your Facebook friends. They comment, you feel a sense of importance and everyone moves on to the next post.

I shared many photos of my beautiful girls, as many people use Facebook to do. I would share everything, from a messy food face, to first steps. They were all special moments, and I am so grateful to have these moments saved to one spot for me to look back on. There are so many great things about Facebook, but there are also a lot of negative things about Facebook. That is where my story begins.

A post was made by a family member, I made a comment which was meant to be a joke. However, not everyone took it as a joke and it unfortunately upset some very important people. It was brought up to my attention that someone else had a very strong opinion on this comment I had made. I sent this individual a private message, to explain myself and express my apologies to anyone I had offended. It was what happened next that made me delete Facebook.

I was questioned on being a racist because of a post I had shared months ago on Facebook. And let me be straight, it was not shared as a racist post, but I understood some could interpret it as a racist post. This individual is someone I have met a handful of times in person, but mostly understood each other based on what is represented on Facebook. I understood that he does not really know me, because anyone who does would never question my character in such a way. I asked myself; if this individual thinks this way, how do others interpret my Facebook page? Do I want assumptions made about me? I really did not like the way this made me feel, and it made me question any and all of my past posts. Feeling that way, was very eye-opening for me. I deleted Facebook completely after that conversation.

The first few months, I was reaching for my phone and would remember "Oh ya, I'm no longer on Facebook" I had to retrain myself. I would take an adorable photo of the girls, and post it to my page. Now, I would share it personally with the people I wanted to see the photo. This was an adjustment.

What have I noticed since being off Facebook? Honestly, a lot. I have learnt that I don't need others to tell me how great my kids, life and husband are. I don't need to document every single moment, I can actually sit back and enjoy life without reaching for my phone to take a photo. I am not comparing myself to others, which I am famous for. Facebook makes that so easy to do, because in reality everyone is posting the best of the best. The relationships that mean the most to me, have gotten stronger. They have gotten stronger because I share my life with just them, no one else. It gives such a sense of trust, desire to communicate with them and there is so much more personality attached to every photo shared.

I have also noticed some things that aren't as sunshine and butterflies, but its real. I don't talk to many people anymore. I have myself some close friends who I cherish more than anything. All the friendships I had through Facebook, you know someone who always comments or likes a photo/post, we don't talk at all. I have lost communication with a lot of people, in both ways. They don't know what is going on in my life, and I don't know what's going on in theirs. Now, this isn't a horrible thing but it was an adjustment. Not knowing that so and so is pregnant, or got engaged can leave me feeling out of the loop. But, being completely honest, if I wasn't told about these life milestones it most likely does not affect my daily life. I have to remind myself of this from time to time.

The idea of Facebook friends not making an assumption based on something I may have shared, or commented on, is honestly so freeing. I'm not giving anyone anything to assume, or build an opinion on me. I am so content with my life off of Facebook.

So will I be returning to Facebook? Absolutely not. I keep my page up now, so that my husband can get our precious daily memories of our girls. I will not post to Facebook or "Facebook creep" I can't say ever, but I have no intentions of going on Facebook in the future.

If you have been struggling with emotions based on Facebook, I highly encourage you to try this for yourself. Not a day, a week, or a month. I mean get off for a good 4 months, see how your life changes. For me, I am so grateful for this situation that happened. Without it, I would still be posting life instead of enjoying it.



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